Hawksland Mill Holiday Cottages Retired advert - Quality Holiday Cottages Near Padstow and Wadebridge
Self-catering holiday cottages, located by an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the glorious North Cornwall countryside. We have a range of holiday cottages and Holiday caravans in the Padstow area, providing cosy, quality, well-equipped Cornish holiday accommodation for anything from a short break to several weeks’ holiday, and a perfect retreat at any time of year.
Enjoy a peaceful and relaxing holiday at any time of the year, in a quiet country location surrounded by stunning coastal scenery and picturesque farmland, conveniently located within easy reach of many beautiful sandy beaches, magnificent coastal walks and all the attractions that Cornwall has to offer; including the acclaimed Eden Project and the popular Camel Trail.
Hawksland Mill Holiday Cottages
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For details about Holidays at Hawksland Mill Holiday Cottages, please contact them directly on
01208 815404
- Heron Cottage:
Changeover day: Friday - Sleeps 4+ baby - 2 bedrooms. - Well Cottage:
Changeover day: Friday - Sleeps 4+ baby - 2 bedrooms. - Leat Cottage:
Changeover day: Saturday - Sleeps 6+ baby - 3 bedrooms. - Lower Cottage:
Changeover day: Saturday - Sleeps 2+ baby - 1 bedrooms.