Pengersick Castle pengersick Castle
Praa Sands, Penzance, Cornwall TR20 9SJ Tel: 01736 762579

Pengersick Castle, Praa SandsTHE PAST
The Castle must have existed on this site since the Middle Ages.
It was rebuilt as a fortified Tudor Manor probably about 1500. It is the surviving tower of this extensive dwelling which remains intact today. The spacious newel stair is one of the best examples to be found anywhere.

The families that lived here were among the most celebrated in the County and beyond. Their careers have given rise to the numerous legends about Pengersick. Indeed it does appear that Fate has always taken a hand in the destiny of those who have resided here.

There is evidence of the existence of an apothocarian garden here in the 14th century. This would relate to the foundations of the earlier dwelling and the site of a Chapel in process of investigation.

We plan to recreate the garden, using plants contemporary with the site and also to use the newly cleared land to establish a wild flower meadow with woodland walks, cultivating the species which would have flourished in earlier times In this sheltered outpost of the far west of Cornwall.

We always welcome visitors, though the nature of the building makes it possible only to admit small numbers, strictly by appointment, and to insist that children of all ages must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

We hope that Fate will look kindly upon our tenure of Pengersick and that a visit will enable you to share its magic and mystery.

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